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Widen career prospects with a MSc in Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management)

Widen career prospects with a MSc in Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management)

Published: 08 Oct 2024

Warren Bath

Upon completion of the MSc in Structural Integrity I landed my dream job at TWI as a project leader - as a fully funded course, this degree stood out compared to other options.

Warren, Postgraduate, Alumni

Group Manager of Innovation and Skills and Head of Business Analysis, The Welding Institute (TWI)

Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management) MSc - 2015

From UK

Why did you choose to study your Master's at Brunel?

In my third year of studying Motorsport Engineering BEng at Brunel,  I did an internship in Monaco with SBM Offshore, a Member company of TWI. I planned to go into energy rather than motorsport. SBM sponsored my third year at Brunel, and my supervisor recommended I study the MSc in Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management) at the NSIRC.

I was attracted to the course as it offered modules that were of particular interest to me, such as finite element analysis, non-destructive testing and radiography. Working in both an academic and industry environment has helped me enormously in my career search. 

As a fully funded course, this degree stood out compared to other options. I took a four-month internship in the Numerical Modelling and Optimisation Section where I became familiar with TWI’s staff, systems, and projects, before starting the Master’s programme in Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management). 

When I graduated I began employment with TWI as a project leader, an appointment that was made possible through the knowledge, skills and the network of connections obtained during my time on my master’s degree.  I was the first person to hold the position of Innovation Project Leader title.

Update 2020:  Warren has now been at TWI for five years. He is now a Group Manager of Innovation and Skills and head of business analysis at , whose time at TWI Cambridge began with the NSIRC (National Structural Integrity Research Centre). 

Studying at TWI Cambridge as an MSc student

Warren has said that the MSc was made more appealing due to its relation to industry. The degree was almost like a qualification in TWI itself, as it allowed him to focus on the technologies TWI worked in, provided him with industry knowledge and the ability to relate to other technologists, and made him feel more like an engineer. This industry relevance was an incredibly important part of his research and role as a student.

Additionally, the financial support he received far exceeded expectations and made it a significantly more appealing opportunity than what other institutions could offer. The industry relevance of the dissertation and the high quality of teaching from TWI staff who are practical experts in their field rather than simply academics was particularly significant to his time as a student. 

Student life on an industrial degree

As well as simply academic work, Warren has praised the social elements of the NSIRC. The course was attended by students from different backgrounds, levels of education, vocations, and most of all a range of countries, as a majority of his student cohort was international. The option of working with a diverse student body from a range of nationalities was not simply interesting from a scientific perspective, but also enjoyable and exciting, allowing him to befriend people from all over the world which he feels improved his personal development.

Additionally, as part of his time as a student, Warren became the course representative and enjoyed being able to work alongside TWI staff members who he would later work with as a company employee.

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Hear more...

Now based in Monaco, hear more from Warren in the video below about why he'd recommend undertaking a placement year as part of your degree.


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