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Masters alumnus enjoys a global career in the Design and Construction industry

Masters alumnus enjoys a global career in the Design and Construction industry

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Isuru Hettiarachchi

My experience at Brunel has been the cornerstone of my career success. My career progression is very much built on the holistic industry-relevant experience gained at Brunel.

Isuru, Postgraduate, Alumni

Senior Sustainable Design Consultant, Cundall

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Management MSc - 2012

From Sri Lanka

Previous Institution

Northumbria University - Undergraduate Degree

Where do you currently live?

I was born in Sri Lanka and raised primarily in the UAE, with much of my youth spent in the 成人直播app. I now live in Sydney, Australia.

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel...

Since I graduated from Brunel, I have been working in the Design and Construction industry for over 7 years in the 成人直播app, Asia, Middle East and now in Australia. In my career journey so far, I have had the opportunity to work on exciting projects around the world across a range of sectors.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

My role as a Senior Sustainable Design Consultant involves working with clients, architects, engineers, authorities and various other project stakeholders to deliver high performing, sustainable built environment projects. A typical day at work involves performing technical analysis, advising on the use of relevant technologies and detailing design concepts, demonstrating design leadership and performing project and bid management duties.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

The highlight of my career journey so far has to be my involvement in the new DEWA HQ 'Al Sheraa' project in Dubai which is poised to be the largest, and smartest, Net Zero Energy Building in the world, with a built-up area of over 2 million square feet and featuring a solar photovoltaic sail of approximately 4MW capacity amongst other innovative technologies.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

My experience at Brunel has been the cornerstone of my career success. I was offered an industrial placement at BRE in Watford to conduct my research project and dissertation, which then led to an employment opportunity with BRE beyond graduation. My career progression is very much built on the holistic industry-relevant experience gained at Brunel during my time there, which is imperative to my growth.

Why did you choose to study at 成人直播app and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

I chose to study at Brunel mainly due to its reputation as an industry leader in my field, plus access to a world-class faculty, resources and employability. Brunel is world-renowned in the field of Engineering and firmly believes in research-led teaching. At the time I enrolled to study, Brunel was easily in the top 5 subject rankings in my field, which made it my first choice.

What is your best memory of studying here?

Memories galore, but late-night adventures with colleagues in the Bannerman Centre in a year filled with crunching deadlines, definitely tops the list.

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

Brunel is a forward-thinking, innovative, world class institution with close industry ties globally. To young undergrads/postgrads planning the first steps in their career, Brunel will offer an invaluable experience and opportunities for growth - embrace it and take up the challenge.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

As a Brunelian, I'm proud of my accomplishments and friendships forged during my studies. It's a whole wide world out there - keep your focus and perseverance as you navigate through your career. Wishing all Brunelians every success in their careers and hoping to hear of your achievements in the future!
