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WHIRL: a turbofan wheel filter

Posted: June 21 2023

Made In Brunel, Design
Made In Brunel, Design

Industrial Design & Technology BA student Daniel Marshall's final year project is an effective brake dust collection system.

WHIRL – a turbofan wheel filter

Air quality is a fundamental building block to our health, and therefore it is one of the greatest environmental risks to health, with over 7m deaths per year in total from all sources of air pollution (WHO, 2021).

40-50% of brake pad material turns directly into airborne fine particulates. Fine particulates from non-exhaust gas emissions are growing and are already three times more pollutant than exhaust gas emissions. As there are no regulations around nonexhaust gas emissions, there needs to be a solution to this problem.

Whirl is engineered to be an effective brake dust collection system while also being able to clean the air pollution in the environment that you drive through. Whirl is made up of a series of fins attached to a wheel cover which drives the air from your brakes through a HEPA filter collecting brake dust and cleaning ambient air.

Whirl is also designed to be easy to remove and easy to maintain with only one tool required while using a simplistic filter pack that can be replaced quickly. Whirl is customisable with an infinite amount of wheel cover designs possible to make the product unique to you and increase the value of your car.

WHIRL – a turbofan wheel filter
WHIRL – a turbofan wheel filter
