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Tips for surviving the exam season

Posted: May 16 2019

Margarida, Creative Writing

With Easter already here and everyone who’s not a university student on a break, all you want to do is join them, but revision isn’t going to do itself, so you better get on to it! Here are a few tips to help you with this stressful time.

1. Take breaks

Yes, the library is a great place for revising and you can get a lot done there but try to give yourself a day off every now and then. Go for a walk, see friends, go out for a meal, anything that takes your eyes off those notes for a few hours. Taking a break will prove to be much more helpful than studying hours on end as it refreshes your mind and prevents you from burning yourself out.

2. But don’t exaggerate!

It’s crazy how carried away we can get when it comes to taking breaks. Try to schedule them so you don’t end up taking hour-long breaks when you intended on a 20 minute one or taking too many days off that it makes it difficult to get back to work.

3. Don’t beat yourself up

Revision and exams are hard, but you will be fine. If you find that one day was not as productive as the others, don’t beat yourself up; we can’t be productive every day. Instead, use this situation as a motivation to do better the next day.

4. Get moving

You’ve been sat revising for hours and watching Netflix on your breaks which means you’ll have spent the whole day on your bum. Use one of your breaks to go for a walk or a run, if you’re feeling that sporty. If the weather isn’t nice, running up and down the stairs a few times will do the trick. What’s important is to move your legs and clear your mind!

5. Have a support system

This is probably the most stressful time of the year for you so make sure you have some kind of support system – friends, family, course mates – you can rely on for moral support and encouragement. Avoid pushing everyone away when you get stressed and let them help you.

6. Shut off social media

It is really easy to lose track of time when checking social media which can make it tough to stay focused on what you have to do. Avoid this by disconnecting from Wi-Fi, or even shutting off your phone while you’re revising so you’re not easily distracted.

7. Stay healthy

Eating good food, having a regular sleep schedule and exercising regularly will help you be more focused on your work. Try to plan your meals and go to sleep early, and you'll notice the difference it makes.

8. Don’t worry about what others are doing

What works for some might not work for others so don’t waste your precious time comparing your revision methods to your friends’. Find out what works best for you and stick with it - you’ll get better results this way.