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Multimorbidity: Study design considerations for research into multiple long-term conditions

Multi-morbidity has emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing health services, both presently and in the coming decades.

Addressing the population and service challenges presented by multiple long-term conditions is a local and national priority and is a major strategic priority for research funding bodies. We are hosting three webinars on multiple long-term conditions.

The aim of the series is to offer a platform to researchers, healthcare professionals and members of the public to learn about this topic and identify ideas for future research projects.

The second webinar includes three academics from a variety of disciplines who will speak about study design considerations for research into multiple long-term conditions.

Dr Barbara Nicholl (Senior Lecturer in General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow) – ‘Setting up a team to develop funding applications for multiple long-term conditions projects’;

Lis Boulton (Health and Care Policy Manager, Age UK) – ‘Putting patient experience into practice for multiple long-term conditions research’;

20-minute talk, 5 minutes for questions

Professor Sally Singh (Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, University Hospitals of Leicester and University of Leicester) – ‘Reflections on receiving funding for a project exploring multiple long-term conditions and rehabilitation’;

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