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Dr Boris Prastalo
Lecturer in Commercial Law

Elliot Jaques 070

Membership and affiliation

Since 2020, Boris has been one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief of "Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation" (JSCAN), a scholarly publication of the World Commerce & Contracting (World CC) and published by SAGE Publications. Moreover, Boris is on the Editorial Board of the "IUS Law Journal". In 2019, Boris joined Team Europe as an Assistant Editor for "Kluwer Arbitration Blog", one of the most read online sources in the area of international arbitration.

Media interests

Boris regularly publishes reviewed blog posts and short articles on current topics in the area of international arbitration:

(Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2023) 

(co-authored with Velislava Hristova, American Review of International Arbitration – Blog, 2022)

(Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2022)

 (co-authored with Velislava Hristova, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2022)

 (co-authored with Leila Kazimi, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2020)

(co-authored with Velislava Hristova, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2020)

(co-authored with Leila Kazimi, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2020)

(Regulating for Globalization - Wolters Kluwer, 2020) 

 (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2019)

(Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2019)