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Dr Nelli Ferenczi
Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Quad North 121

  • Psychology

Research area(s)

  • Cross-cultural psychology
  • Culture and identity 
  • Bicultural identity 
  • Interpersonal rejection
  • Personal relationships
  • Prosocial and antisocial online behaviour and attitudes

Research Interests

Some questions that my research focuses on:

  • What individual differences (e.g., attachment orientations, self-construal) predict whether bicultural and migrant individuals experience rejection from their heritage culture? How does rejection of their heritage culture identity link to their well-being?
  • What is the role of nostalgia as a method of coping for bicultural and migrant individuals?
  • What individual differences predict online prosocial and antisocial behaviour?
  • What role does culture play in forensic settings?

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Research links

Co-author network

Research group(s)

  • CCE