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Creative Interruptions: grassroots creativity, State structures and disconnection as a space for 'radical openness'

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Duration: October 2016 - October 2019

Creative Interruptions will contribute to the AHRC's Connected Communities research cluster on 'diversity and dissent' by recognising the key role of the creative industries (including the arts, heritage, media and other forms of cultural production) as major agents for social change, but also by highlighting the role of communities to interrupt dominant discourses and representations in ways not available in authorised cultural discourse.


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Sarita Malik Professor Sarita Malik
Associate Pro Vice Chancellor – Research Impact / Professor - Media, Culture and Communications
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 266874
E: sarita.malik@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 266874 sarita.malik@brunel.ac.uk Marie Jahoda 236


Malik, S., Mahn, C., Pierse, M. and Rogaly, B. (2021) 'Creativity and Resistance in a Hostile World'. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press. ISSN 10: 1526152851 ISSN 13: 9781526152855


Vrikki, P. and Malik, S. (2019) ''. Popular Communication, 17 (4). pp. 273 - 287. ISSN: 1540-5702

Journal article