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Conceptual Feasibility of a Heat Pipe as a Structural and Thermal Member in an Automotive Battery Pack Design

Funder: Innovate UK
Duration: January 2018 - January 2019


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Hussam Jouhara Professor Hussam Jouhara
Professor/Department Director for Research
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 267805
E: hussam.jouhara@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267805 hussam.jouhara@brunel.ac.uk Howell Building 110


Jouhara, H., Reay, D., McGlen, R., Kew, P. and McDonough, J. (2023) 'Heat Pipes Theory, Design and Applications'. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISSN 10: 0-12-823465-2 ISSN 13: 978-0-12-823464-8


Jouhara, H. (2022) 'Waste Heat Recovery in Process Industries'. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH. ISSN 10: 3-527-83001-4 ISSN 13: 978-3-527-34856-5


Jouhara, H., Delpech, B., Bennett, R., Chauhan, A., Khordehgah, N., Serey, N. and et al. (2021) ''. International Journal of Thermofluids, 12. pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 2666-2027

Journal article

Jouhara, H., Serey, N., Khordehgah, N., Bennett, R., Almahmoud, S. and Lester, S. (2019) ''. International Journal of Thermofluids, 1-2. pp. 100004 - 100004. ISSN: 2666-2027

Journal article

Guichet, V. and Jouhara, H. (2019) ''. International Journal of Thermofluids, 1-2. pp. 100001 - 100001. ISSN: 2666-2027

Journal article

Jouhara, H., Khordehgah, N., Serey, N., Almahmoud, S., Lester, S., Machen, D. and et al. (2019) ''. Energy, 170. pp. 849 - 861. ISSN: 0360-5442

Journal article

Jouhara, H. and Lester, S. (Accepted) 'Battery Temperature Management Using Heat Mat (Thermal Management System)'.
