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Dr Rumyana Neykova
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

Wilfred Brown 210

Research grants and projects


Software Environment for Actionable & VVUQ-evaluated Exascale Applications (SEAVEA)
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Duration: August 2021 - July 2024
Fluid Session Types: End-to-End Verification of Communication Protocols
Funder: UK Research Institute in Verified Trustworthy Software Systems
Duration: October 2019 - March 2023

This project supports one PhD student at Imperial College London to develop fluid session types, an end-to-end verification strategy for distributed protocols, leveraging compile-time meta programming techniques.

Project details

Dr Rumyana Neykova has previously been involved with the following research projects: 

  • TURTLES – UK EPSRC Standard Research Grant Protocol-Based Foundations for Distributed Multiagent Systems (EP/N027833/1). Join project involving University of Lancaster, and Imperial College London
  • ABCD – UK EPSRC programme grant From Data Types to Session Types: A Basis for Concurrency and Distribution (ABCD) (EP/K034413/1). A joint project involving the University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh, Imperial College, London and several industrial partners. I have contributed to numerous papers and tools for the project
  • OOI (Communication Governance) – Ocean Observatory Initiative is an NFA funding organisation for building a sensor network around the coastal area of USA. I was the main software engineer on the working group between Imperial College and OOI
  • BETTY – A Member of the European COST Action IC1201 on Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY).