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Feasibility Studies 2014


Feasibility Studies 2014 Six out of a total of sixteen proposed studies have been selected for funding as part of the EPSRC Centre – LiME’s Feasibility Studies initiative. Each study, at a cost of up to £30,000, was funded by LiME for a maximum period of six months from mid-2014. The objective of the Feasibility Studies is to support radical scientific ideas and potential technology champions in their earliest stage from within UK universities, enabling us to further build and strengthen our relationships with colleagues outside of the formal LiME partnership. The selected feasibility studies are:

Heterogeneous nucleation of intermetallics in solder solidification- Dr Chris Gourlay, Imperial College London

Equilibrium/non-equilibrium composites: a novel material via monotectic solidification - Prof. Andrew Mullis, University of Leeds

Investigation into microstructural nucleation and growth of Al-Cu alloys using layered manufacturing- Dr Kamran Mumtaz, University of Sheffield

The use of ultrasonic for castings- Prof. Rob Dwyer-Joyce, University of Sheffield

Studies of nucleation controlled carbide morphology during the solidification of cast Ni superalloys- Dr Jiawei Mi, Hull University

Castable aluminium alloy-SiC metal matrix nanocomposites by addition of Al-SiC disks produced by spark plasma sintering- Dr David Weston, University of Leicester