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Time Management

A core part of independent learning is managing your time….. yes, time management does keep coming up!!

We know that you’ll have lots of strains on your time: family, shopping, spending time with friends and so on, but it is important to recognise that you need to prioritise University too. 


It is important to think about how and when you work best, but just in case you need any tips below are a number of ideas:

  • A diary (electronic or paper) – you can use it to plan your work, your day and it is a great excuse to use different colour pens!
  • Calendar
  • Reminders on phones
  • Asking friends or family to remind you about studying
  • Create a reward system- if you do something then reward yourself afterwards with whatever you would feel was a reward!
  • Work backwards from deadlines- diarise the deadlines and plan tasks week by week from that deadline so you know when to start
  • When you are reading, make notes of particular relevant facts or opinions at the time and keep records of what you are reading
  • Keep your notes organised, there are loads of apps available to help you manage information although Evernote seems to be the most popular
  • And there are other things to think about: when do you work best? Would small chunks of work be better? Do you need a reminder? What resources and environment would you need? Would you work better at home or in the library