
SERG Projects



funding: EU Funded
Date: 2018 - 2023
status: Commenced

Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city.
(1) Use an interdisciplinary approach applied by the different working groups to map occurring resources within the urban biosphere, especially provided by nature-based solutions (NBS) systems.
(2) Develop appropriate communication methods promoting resource recovery for consumers and built up public awareness on the benefits of the closing the loop approach.
(3) Identify, analyse and report the existing state of the art of, and investigate novel possibilities for NBS implementations in the urban landscape by involving stakeholders such as city officials, urban planners and engineers.
(4) Investigate resource flows within the urban biosphere and define interfaces for closing the loop, and analyse possible resource streams interlinking the four defined urban metabolisms, namely Built Environment, Urban Water, Resources Recovery, and Urban Farming.
(5) Identify key barriers to implementation and limitations in market systems.
(6) Analyse available tools for stakeholder engagement and system transformation.
(7) Combine different dissemination strategies such as scientific publications, presentation to stakeholders and creation of implementation guidelines.
(8) Collect case studies that show flagship examples describing occurring resource surplus and reuse by using NBS, and assess the dynamics of the recovered resources and NBS in multiple EU countries.
(9) Identify and address regulatory, governance, financial and legal drivers and barriers for NBS implementation and use of recovered resources, and support institutional change to better regulatory governance.
(10) Search for integrative solutions for closing the cycles in the city that contain (encompass) NBS, but must not be solely based on NBS.

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Modelling and Monitoring four Natural Flood Management programmes in London, Salmons Brook, Woodland Headwater in Harrow, Park Wood (Pinn) and Rise Park stream in Havering

Date: 2017 - 2020
status: Commenced

In partnership with Thames 21, Environment Agency (Contact us for more detail)