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Dr Andre J. Szameitat
Reader - Psychology

Quad North 104

  • Psychology


  • Research on human multitasking, working memory, and executive control
  • Research on the effects of different activities on subsequent cognitive performance and well-being
  • Behavioural and fMRI methods

PhD projects for research students

Research supervision

Current PhD students

  • Aina Digaeva (10/2020 - 09/2023; Learning of multitasking abilities in the applied context)
  • Joy Geerkens (01/2022 - 12/2024; Effect of previos activities on subsequent cognitive performance and well-being)
  • Lauren Willmoth (10/2022 - 09/2028 (part-time);  Effect of previos activities on subsequent cognitive performance and well-being)

Former PhD students

  • Pauldy Otermans (finished 2017; Linking the Executive Functions of the Central Attentional Bottleneck with the Executive Functions of Working Memory)
  • Rahmi Saylik (finished 2017; Effects of Neuroticism on Multitasking)
  • Mojitola Idowu (finished 2021; Effects of Aging on Executive Functions)