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Professor George Fern
Academic Director/Professor


Titler, PJ., Fern, G., Silver, J., Evans, DJ. and McCammon, CA. (1999) 'High pressure Mossbauer studies of [NEt4]2[Fe2S2Cl4], [NEt4]3[Fe2S2Cl4], [NEt4]3[Fe6S6Cl6]'.International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 29 - 3 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Newport, A., Fern, GR., Ireland, TG., Withnall, R., Silver, J. and Vecht, A. (1999) 'The potential of doped silica glass ceramics prepared by Sol-Gel methods as up conversion emission phosphors: Ceramics containing anatase and rutile phases'.5th International Conference on Science & Technology of Display Phosphors.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Withnall, R., Silver, J., Fern, G. and Smalley, JW. (1999) ''.8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. ENSCHEDE, NETHERLANDS. Springer Netherlands. pp. 573 - 574.

Conference paper

Fern, G., Silver, J., Evans, D. and McCammon, CA. (1998) 'High pressure Mossbauer studies of [NEt4]2[Fe2S2Cl4], [NEt4]3[Fe2S2Cl4], [NEt4]3[Fe6S6Cl6]'.39th Meeting The Royal Society of CHemistry Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Nottingham. 14 - 15 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Fern, GR., Silver, J., Snowden, MJ. and Withnall, R. (1998) 'Characterisation a novel supported iron protoporphyrin IX complex bound to an aqueous colloidal microgel as a model haem complex'.ICORS 16 Supplementary Volume.  [unpublished]

Conference paper

Evans, DJ., Silver, J., Fern, G., Miller, JR. and McCammon, CM. (1997) 'The effect of high pressure on models for the [4Fe-4S] clusters of iron-sulfur proteins'.The Royal Society of Chemistry, Dalton Discussion No. 2, Biorganic Chemistry. Norwich. 2 - 5 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Evans, DJ., Silver, J., Fern, GR., Miller, JR. and McCammon, CM. (1997) 'The effect of high pressure on models for the [4Fe-4S] clusters of iron-sulfur proteins'.European Research Conference, Chemistry of metals in biological systems. Tomar, Portugal. 7 - 11 May. [unpublished]

Conference paper

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