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Dr Pantea Foroudi
Reader in Marketing

  • Marketing

Media interests

Published impactful research studies in World Health Organisation (WHO) after COVID-19

Foroudi, P., Marvi, R., Cuomo, M. T., Bagozzi, R., Dennis, C., & Jannelli, R. (2022). consumer perceptions of sustainable development goals: Conceptualization, measurement and contingent effects. British Journal of Management.

Foroudi, P., Tabaghdehi, S. A. H., & Marvi, R. (2021). The gloom of the COVID-19 shock in the hospitality industry: A study of consumer risk perception and adaptive belief in the dark cloud of a pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102717.

Foroudi, P., Palazzo, M., & Sabina, K. (2022). When Love Takes Over: Boosting Love Towards Airbnb Brand. Corporate Reputation Review, 1-15.