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Dr Weifeng Chen

Eastern Gateway 202q

  • Innovation and Sustainability

Media interests

Particpate our AI in the Boardroom research project with Govrn

I am currently collaborating with Paul Stark from Govrn, who has over fifteen years of experience in boardroom technology, to develop a Boardroom AI Adoption Whitepaper (BAAW) for the Boardroom. This initiative is being conducted in partnership with Govrn, an AI-first Board Management Software platform. The whitepaper will provide crucial guidelines for implementing AI in governance, risk management, and decision-making. Our work aims to shape the future of AI adoption in boardrooms across various sectors by leveraging Govrn’s cutting-edge AI Boardroom system and BBS’s expertise in AI strategy and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles aligning with the 成人直播app’s pro-innovation AI regulatory framework.

Through interviews with board members and govenance professionals from the private, public, and third sectors, we will gather insights into the challenges and opportunities of AI adoption. These insights will help shape the whitepaper's recommendations, ensuring they are relevant and actionable.The Govrn AI-Engine, the product of two years of research and development, is specifically designed for the boardroom. Built on Natural Language Processing and Generative AI, it can understand and analyse information at multiple levels, including the context and relationships between data points, providing insights akin to a board member or secretary. For more information, visit  

How To Get Involved? If you would like to learn more of how to be involved in the study or to learn more about the Govern AI-Engine, write to us at info@govrn.com  

Interview with Brunel Cuppa Science on AI

  AI & Business Models

AI and Work: Gigification & the changing psychological contracts